Spring Portrait Day- Lau Family…
AHHHH! I love getting to see the Lau Family twice a year now. The boys are growing up sooo fast! And they are a blast to photograph. Here are a few from our Spring Family Portrait Day Session…. Boys will…
AHHHH! I love getting to see the Lau Family twice a year now. The boys are growing up sooo fast! And they are a blast to photograph. Here are a few from our Spring Family Portrait Day Session…. Boys will…
The Gorgeous Parris kids all have birthdays this month. I chased them around yesterday hoping to get Will to hold still for a couple of poses Anna and Brooke – of course- showed off those gorgeous smiles. Next weekend…
I got to hang out with these two characters the other day. The Football Player showed me his game face. And the Pirate Princess took me aboard her ship to fight an evil monster.
I cant believe that this sweet boy is already 2! It feels like just yesterday I was photographing him as a newborn. How time does fly….
My head hurts. You cannot imagine how unbelievably hard it is to select only 10 images that portray such great emotions. Today is the deadline for the National Association of Professional Child Photographer’s photo contest. And of course I waited…