The Lambert Family | Asheville Family Portrait Photographer
Ahhhh I just love sweet Enslee! Isnt she gorgeous?!? I went to school with Enslee’s dad and Im so happy for the gorgeous family he now has.
Ahhhh I just love sweet Enslee! Isnt she gorgeous?!? I went to school with Enslee’s dad and Im so happy for the gorgeous family he now has.
I Love Oliver. Not just because he has the best name but because his eyes just light up when he smiles. Six months is such a fun age!
While finishing up editing Lyla’s 6-month photos I came across this one… Do you think she was over the photo shoot?!? “Please I have better things to be doing besides smiling for you people!”
I cant believe Lyla is already 6-months. She is full of wonder and amazement for her big brother and sister. And those dimples are to melt for…. Those dimples….make you want to smile I would vote.. YES to the bear!…