Monday Blues?
Does all this rain have you down?!? Never fear – Spring is getting near. I cannot wait for flowers, fun and bright colors and smiling faces. I’ve got the winter photo shoot blues. Send one more big snow our way and…
Does all this rain have you down?!? Never fear – Spring is getting near. I cannot wait for flowers, fun and bright colors and smiling faces. I’ve got the winter photo shoot blues. Send one more big snow our way and…
Two of my favorite kids . . . EVER! I love it that they still put on a smile for the camera
I couldnt have been happier when Jessica asked me to photograph Sophia’s Baek-il (the Korean celebration for a baby’s 100th day birthday).. What an amazing celebration. I loved being able to capture the memories of this special event. You may…
I just loved {M} from the moment I met her. She was so soft spoken (though Im sure she is not always this way!) and oh so smart, not to mention cute as a button. Just 3-days after our session…
Just had to share a couple from Sam and Eloise’s portrait session yesterday! As of lately the weather has been crazy. But I just love the light right before the storm hits. I just love the black and white copy…