December 14th will be a day FOREVER etched into my brain. The day so many innocent lives were lost in the Sandy Hook tragedy. I cannot fathom the pain these families are enduring this Holiday Season. Chris and I do not yet have children but my heart aches for these families who children were taken from this world WAY TOO SOON! My heart goes out to each and every one of these families.
Yesterday in the photography community the Olivia Act started to circle- information being passed along from one family portrait photographer to another. And of course the minute I read about it – I was IN!
The Olivia Act, named after Olivia Engel, one of the children killed in Newtown, Ct., was started by a photographer who wishes to be anonymous. Olivia’s family had professional family pictures taken a short time before she was killed. Those pictures are precious and now priceless to them. Upon hearing this, this photographer was moved to give away a 30 minute family photo shoot and has challenged other photographers to do the same. We go about our daily lives and sometimes we don’t take the time or have the resources to have family photos taken.
Pictures are a priceless memory that every family deserves.
Therefore in memory of Olivia Engel and all the children and wonderful teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary I would like to give away a family portrait session to one deserving family. I would like this to be a family that otherwise would not have the resources to have professional photos taken. A family who has never had professional photos done. A family who would truly cherish the memories captured.
To nominate a family please email me ( the following information:
Your Name:
Your Contact info:
The Family you are nominating:
Their Story: tell me a bit about who they are and why they deserve a family session
***Family must live in the Brevard, Asheville or Hendersonville North Carolina areas***
I will be accepting nominations now through December 31st. After the New Year I will sit down and select one deserving family. I wish I could give away a million sessions.
The selected family will receive a 30-minute family portrait session this Spring with a disk of all the images from their session and an print package with their favorite images.
Kaelee, This is a wonderful idea and a great way to honor Olivia. So glad you are doing this. Kudos to you