I keep replaying the day of Hazel’s birth over and over again in my head. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that she was born at home (and not on purpose). It was around 5:30am when I got the text from Catherine telling me she thought it was time. Any photographer who has ever photographed a birth knows how on edge you are the days leading up to a client’s due date. As soon as I heard my phone go off I jumped out of bed. Catherine told me she would text me again when they left their house for the hospital. Tick tock, tick tock. An hour passed and I still had not heard from them. I sent another text asking how things were going. Tick tock, Tick tock. Then finally Catherine’s husband called me telling me they were on their way to the hospital but that she had Hazel at home! I arrived at the hospital not long after Catherine and Hazel arrived by ambulance. Hazel decided to make her entrance into the world QUICKER than anyone expected. Catherine knew the minute they got into the car that they werent going to make it to the hospital. Luckily EMS arrived at their house only minutes before Hazel was born. Needless to say Catherine had an “all natural” birth! Baby and mom were fine- everyone is happy and healthy.
Catherine you are amazing! So strong. When I arrived at the hospital she was so calm and collected (Dad too). I think everyone was still shocked. Beautiful baby Hazel made her entrance exactly the way she intended to- not sure if this is any indication of what the future has to hold for this little one- but mom and dad hold on tight because I have a feeling she isnt going to slow down!
Even though I wasnt able to capture the birth of this beautiful girl- I did get to capture these intimate moments at the hospital. Surrounded by family and friends this girl sure is loved, especially by her big sister!
I captured this first image as I was walking into the hospital!
Lori Hayden
What an amazing birth story!! Congratulations to you momma for being one tough cookie and bringing little Hazel into the world at home. What a cute family!
Mandi Lasater
Kaelee Denise Photography does it again! Absolutely beautiful, these pictures are priceless.
Absolutely Beautiful!
Thank you again, Kaelee, for the beautiful pictures of Hazel’s birth. We are so thrilled!
how beautiful! what amazing memories to capture!